
Check it out… A different kind of way to learn the scientific method.

Our Scientific Method Chain Card Game is a fun and interactive way to get your students up and moving while learning the scientific method as well as learning to work in teams, collaborate, and communicate with their classmates. The Scientific Method Chain Game cards can also be used in small groups or for partner work to review and memorize the scientific method process.

The preview shows a sampling of the teacher prep, differentiation, various options chains, etc.

Included in this activity:

  • Teacher Prep Guide
  • How to Play Information with multiple options
  • 72 cards in a deck with option to remove 8 cards if not using the 9th step.
  • 3 differentiation options with a full deck
  • 2 “sets” of cards to provide easier prep for making multiple decks or just one.
  • Label Sheet – ready to print and fill in with numbering to keep card sets organized.

Please make sure to READ the Teacher Prep guide BEFORE printing the all 69 pages of this PDF. There are 2 sets of the “deck” to provide support for teachers who need to print 4 decks at a time for large classes or group activities. If printing only 1 to 3 decks, you will only need to print a portion of the 67 pages depending on your differentiation choice.

Like this activity? Check out our other Science Basics & Lab Activities:

  • Science Basic Task Cards
  • Scientific Method Vocabulary Builder
  • Calculating Density Practice
  • Measure Up – Practice withing with Scientific Measurement
  • Science Starter Bundle for Back to School – 1st Weeks of School