
Who doesn’t love a fun social game of BINGO??? I know your kids will love the forensic themed vocabulary game!

Perfect for brain break game, substitute needs, vocabulary review, and fun Fridays. Your students will have fun without realizing they are learning.

Designed for grades 7th and UP, our Forensic Theme Bingo game includes:

  • 36 full color non-repeating student bingo boards
  • 2 student drive bingo boards
  • 1 master vocabulary word bank sheet with icons.
  • 51 calling cards with image, term, and definition
  • 51 calling cards with images and term, ready for teacher to add their definition
  • 6 completely blank calling cards for additional words

ALL 36 student bingo boards include terms:

  • Autopsy, Blood Spatter, CSI Agent, Crime Scene, Criminal, Casting, Detective, DNA, Evidence, Fingerprints, Forensics Suspects, TOD, and Toxicology.
  • Then 10 other random words from the remaining 37 words.

Vocabulary Terms Used in Game: Accelerant, Arson, Asphyxiation, Autopsy, Ballistics, Bite Mark, Blood, Blunt force trauma, Casting, Chromatography, Clue, COD, Coroner, Criminal, Crime Scene, CSI Agent, Dactylography, Detective, DNA, DNA Fingerprints, Evidence, Exsanguination, Fingerprints, Forensics, Gel Electrophoresis, Hair & Fibers, Histology, Impression Evidence, Latent prints, Medical Examiner, Microscope, NDIS, Patent prints, Pathogens, Pathologist, Pathology, Pattern evidence, Plastic Prints, Polygraph, Post mortem, Rigor mortis, Serology, Shoe Prints, Blood Spatter, Suspect, Tire Tracks, TOD, Toxicology, Trace evidence, Vital signs

Card print in color but can be printed in gray scale to save on ink. It is strongly recommended to print calling cards on card stock and laminating them for reuse. Lamination of the player sheet is also recommended for reuse if desired. 3-ring binder is perfect for storage of the student player cards.


Copyright © Activities to Teach (DBA A2T) and Dr. Nicole Yemothy. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader / purchaser / subscriber only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.